Dec 23, 2012

A mental holiday - for even more happiness

Happy holidays! Have you thought about how the holidays can be even happier? By actually checking out from your own problems, small or big, for a limited time (it´s easier with a time limit). We all have our issues, everybody does! The other day I came up with the idea for myself, when dwelling over some issues, that it would be so nice not to think about it, at all. Like give myself a mental holiday. So I simply decided then and there that over the Christmas holidays I will not dwell on it. When the issues pop up anyway, they definitely will, I will firmly steer my mind in another direction and greet them with another approach. I have all the tools for it. That´s the least I can do for myself. And if I miss the problems too much, I am sure they will be happy to pop up again after the holidays. Or, they might have been solved or can be seen in a different light. What do you say, shall we (try to) take a holiday from it all?

{Image from Pinterest via, edited by me}