Apr 9, 2013

The weekend taught me...[getting perspective]

Do you take the time to visit and listen to your grandparents or other elder people close to you? And do you like to spend time alone with yourself? This is what I did this last weekend. I have always had a special relationship with my grandmother, whom I have written about before. Recently she, at 100 years of age, finally had to move into a home for elder people. This weekend I took some time out for myself to visit my grandmother, and spend the rest of the time all by myself in the city. This reminded me of many things, which I actually needed to be reminded of...

Spending time with elder people is extremely interesting and rewarding. I don´t do it often enough though, like I many of you with busy lifestyles I suspect. It got me thinking about another lifetime without the Internet and constantly being reached, actually talking to and listen to people, in their own (slower:) pace. And seeing your still sophisticated grandmother, or any elder people, to ask for the help of strangers for a simple but very intimate thing such as getting to the bathroom really puts perspective on life. And how many wonderful people aren´t there out there doing this care taking job, for us, for others, for strangers? Amazing. We had some great talks at grandmothers bedside and I caught myself thinking (I had after all turned down a much longed for Champagne celebration with girlfriends:) that there was nowhere else I would rather be that moment. Just grateful for time well spent being fully present in the now, listening to my wise grandmother. They surely do know a great deal about life. The rest of the weekend I spent alone as planned (and needed), thinking, collecting my thoughts, just strolling around all the favourite streets and shops I know by heart (which is actually like meditation for me, or call it TLC for the soul), having breakfast at the bakery Tösse (great place for a solo breakfast reading newspapers), shopped struck-by-lightning-clothes on my favourite department store NK (I shouldn´t shop...but when there´s a spark, a struck by lightning feeling, you know when you simply cannot take the clothes off in the fitting room, then you know. And never ever underestimate a little retail therapy) endless time at the makeup counters to discuss important questions like trying out all the new creams and can there really be any more colours for eyeshadow to choose from, shopping wonderful delicacies in outstanding food hall Östermalmshallen for household of one (no meatballs, pasta or other kids related food in sight for me:), having a big glass of a good red wine watching TV sporadically flipping between channels (old rerun of early SATC came up, yeah!) and reading a book and a glossy mag. Not to mention the good nights of undisturbed sleep...

So, this weekend reminded me of 1) the importance of spending time with elder people, it will give you perspective on many things in your own life and 2) how important it is to have alone time regularly, even from your beloved family. And to actually enjoy the time with yourself.

(Would love to hear your thoughts on this!)

[Pinterest image via 24.media.tumblr.com]